
Mireia & Victor un preboda en una cala paradisíaca

Enguany teníem moltes ganes de publicar un treball de fa molt poc en aquest any 2020 per a oblidar, dels casaments ajornats pel 2021 aquest preboda ens omple una mica els cors i és que Mireia i Victor es casaran al juliol de l'any que ve en el hotel Rigat, ells són d'aquestes parelles pròximes, simpàtiques que es fan voler, estimen Lloret de Mar un poble on han crescut amb les seves tradicions i costums, ens van conèixer quan teniem l'estudi a Lloret va ser un enamorament sobtat i com no! Mireia queria fer-se fotos i va regalar aquest preboda a Victor imaginar les ganes de fer-los fotos en una cala paradisíaca com a cala Llevadó!. Amb aquests nois maquíssims en un escenari natural espectacular acompanyats de bona música, croissants riquíssims i per a beure cerveses ! si amics es pot i és que imaginar el subidón que teníem veure caure la nit i continuar fent fotos com a bojos!. 🍺🍾📸🎸

This year we really wanted to publish a work from very recently in this year 2020 to forget, of the weddings postponed for 2021 this pre-wedding fills our hearts a little and is that Mireia and Victor will get married in July next year in el Rigat, they are from these close, friendly couples who make themselves wanted, they love Lloret de Mar a town where they have grown up with their traditions and customs, they met us when we had the studio in Lloret it was a sudden love affair and how no! Mireia wanted to take photos and gave this pre-wedding to Victor to imagine the desire to take photos in a paradisiacal cove like Cala Llevadó !. With these gorgeous guys in a spectacular natural setting accompanied by good music, delicious croissants and to drink beers! if friends you can and is to imagine the rise we had to see the night fall and continue taking pictures like crazy!🍺🍾📸🎸


Photo : The Camera Obscura @the_cameraobscura |